Honestly, EMT kinda cracks me up. I mean for starters there's a big red ambulance on the cover of my text book.

... and on the first day of class my instructor held up and Oregon EMT patch and said, "THIS is what you'll all shooting for. THIS is what you'll get when you graduate this class." The awe in the classroom was palpable; you could cut it with a knife. I swear some of the student were drooling. I just giggled.
And then there are the students themselves. On my second day of class I sat behind a fellow student wearing the most distracting shirt. I attempted to draw a picture of what I saw:
In case you can't read that, his shirt says "PEACE! Through superior fire power" and behind the words are machine guns crossing like bones on a pirates flag (I couldn't draw that... I tried). I got all distracted from how awesome ambulances are and how my classmates were drooling over the super-cool patches and wondered about the state of America and how offended the international community would be by a shirt like that. I think he had just gotten out of the military so it kinda made sense... but still.
By the way, my teacher is does not have hair like Princess Leia like my drawing suggests. He has the most brilliant comb-over I've seen in years. And he's slightly cross-eyed.
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